151 - 175 of 281 results
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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
2361Baker Island Letters
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
Letters from Alfred Stanley to his parents on Baker Island from 1901 to1928
2362Report - "Island Indicators: a report by the Island Institute" prepared by Sarah Curran and Jeremy Gabrielson
  • Document, Report
Report contains data about topics such as lobstering, population, median age, income, affordability, etc.
2364Computer run of the Descendants of Jacob Lurvey
  • Document, List, Register, Family Register
Jacob Lurvey's daughter, Hannah , married William Gilley in 1802 and lived with him on Bakers Island where William was Lightkeeper. One of their sons, Samuel, married Emily Stanley in 1842 and they established the Gilley Farm on Islesford.
2365Computer run of the descendants of Phillip Stanwood
  • Document, List, Register, Family Register
Job Stanwood, 1726-1776 . Is thought to have settled for a few years on Islesford before moving to Duck Brook, now Bar Harbor. His grand daughter Mary Stanwood 1816-1888 moved back to Islesford as the wife of Edwin Hadlock. For a record of the Hadlocks of Islesford, see Islesford Historical Society Occasinal Paper # 6 3/1994.
2330Exploring Limits - Making Decisions About the Use and Development of Maine's Islands. April 1994
  • Document, Report
Report prepared by the Island Institute in cooperation with the Maine State Planning Office
2332two ledger books containing Francis G. Fernald'slobstering income and expenses records from 1947-1966 and from 1967-1975
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
In January 1947 he was catching 85-160 lbs or so each day he got out . Selling for 40 to 50 centsa pound. In 1975 he was catching only 40 to 60 lbs a day . selling them for $1.40 to $1.60 a lb.
2333Sea Stories by Cpt.Francis Fernald
  • Document, Other Documents
A paper of stories told by Francis Fernald that was prepared by two young students at Southwest Harbor. The Students grandmother, Bernice Gaiser, was caring for Francis and Betty Fernald at a house in Southwest Harbor during the winter of 1994
2335A framed NOTICE of Station Bills & Drills required on steamers carrying passengers
  • Document, Other Documents
When not on display, in painting storage
2340Manuscript titled "The Creation and Growth of Acadia National Park by Paul S Richardson
  • Document, Manuscript
Includes numerous beautiful photos of the park features the before and after of the carriage roads. The Kimball House, Jordan Pond House etc,
2345Copies of a broadside advertising the appearance of Eskimaux George Niagungitok in London
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
George was one of the Eskimo couple who accompanied Samuel Hadlock Jr. on a show tour of Europe from 1821 to 1826 as written about by Rachel Field in God's Pocket
2346Notes used by R.Stanley as speaker following the 2006 ann. meeting of the IHS
  • Document, Other Documents
The story of the Fev.1880 storm and of the loss of the Mt Desert Schooner Kate Newman
2348DVD of Audrey Noether playing Hannah Caroline's Lament
  • Document, Recording, Video Recording, DVD
Hannah Caroline was the Prussian bride of Capt. Samuel Hadlock Jr. of GCI. For the story refer to "God's Pocket" and "Beyond Go'd Pocket"
2307VHS of an episode of the "Today Show" August 25, 1997
  • Document, Recording, Video Recording, VHS
Episode features interview with Phil Grossman and AShley Bryan and Emerson Ham.
2310VHS A brief video of the Islesford Coast Guard Station narrated by Ted Spurling and Jack Perkins
  • Document, Recording, Video Recording, VHS
23113-Ring loose leaf binder containing list of vessels built-Mount Desert Island, Cranberry, Tinker Thompson's and Long Island (Frenchboro) compiled by Ralph W. Stanley
  • Document, List
2316Memory book from the funeral of Clifton B. Spurling: August23, 1906 - January 24, 1977
  • Document, Memorabilia
Son of Everett S. Spurling and Georgia A. Spofford
2318Mayo Family Geneology
  • Document, List, Register, Family Register
photo copies Mayo Geoeology by Jean Mayo Lakatos. Mayo was once a farmer for the Hadlocks
2320VHS "Ice Harvesting Sampler, Northeast Historic Films"
  • Document, Recording, Video Recording, VHS
Includes ice harvesting on Upper Hadlock Pond at Northeast Harbor
2321DVD "Night of Poetry and Music, July 29, 2004"
  • Document, Recording, Video Recording, DVD
DVD recording of the night of music and poetry on GCI hel July 29, 2004
2326Paper titled Cranberry Island:Remembered Histories by Donald Wellman of Great Cranberry Island
  • Document, Other Documents
2293File carrier containing the chapter by chapter working papers for "A History of Little Cranberry Island" published in 2000
  • Document, Other Documents
2294Geneology of Nancy Ann Joy by Philip Curran
  • Document, List, Register, Family Register
Being the families of Abraham Somes, Benjamin Joy, Solomon Littlefield, William Henry Pride and Joshua Woodbury
2298A 4-page handwritten letter dated June 4, 1900 from CM Richardson to Rev. CN Davie, pastor of the church on Great Cranberry Island, transmitting a 13 page notice dated June 25, 1897.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
Rev. Davie was pastor of the churches on both Great Cranberry and Little Cranberry Islands, His files and library were discovered in the house of the late Rev. Paul Olander at Islesford in 2002. The files were turned over to the Islesford Church and by them to the Islesford Historical Society. These documents record the difficulties that the Church on Great Cranberry was having involving ownershipof pews and the conversion from a Christian meeting house to a Congregational church with open pews. The original documents have been given to the GCI Historical Society. [show more]
2301VHS "An Interview with Marjorie Phippen 1904-2002"
  • Document, Recording, Video Recording, VHS
2 Copies
2304An Interview with Ralph Stanley
  • Document, Oral History
copy #1