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2355Book "Eldridge's Coast Pilot No.1"
  • Publication, Book
Incription on the first page: George E. Gilley Islesford, Maine
2356US Life-Saving Service Ann. Report 1908
  • Document, Report, Annual Report
See page 326 of reprt regaring award of a silver life-saving medel to Capt. Gilbert T. Hadlock.
2357US Life-Savind Servide ann. report 1911
  • Document, Report, Annual Report
2358Bowditch's Practical Navigator:1868 edition
  • Publication, Book
Ted's career as a Merchant Marien officer and navigation was a specialty for him.
2359Landing -Force Manual, US Navy 1927
  • Document, Instructional, Manual
Signed on inside cover: E.C. Hadlock(Elmer C. Hadlock) Elmer was Ted's Cousin who spent his career in the US Navy and the Merchant Marine (Contains interesting sketches of military formations etc.)
2360A History of Little Cranberry Island, Maine By: Hugh Dwelley
  • Publication, Book
Published in 2000 with additional printings in 2004. Published by the Islesford Historical Society
2361Baker Island Letters
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
Letters from Alfred Stanley to his parents on Baker Island from 1901 to1928
2362Report - "Island Indicators: a report by the Island Institute" prepared by Sarah Curran and Jeremy Gabrielson
  • Document, Report
Report contains data about topics such as lobstering, population, median age, income, affordability, etc.
2363Publication "Chebacco: The Magazine of the Mount Desert Island Historical Society" Volume VII 2005
  • Publication, Other Publication
2364Computer run of the Descendants of Jacob Lurvey
  • Document, List, Register, Family Register
Jacob Lurvey's daughter, Hannah , married William Gilley in 1802 and lived with him on Bakers Island where William was Lightkeeper. One of their sons, Samuel, married Emily Stanley in 1842 and they established the Gilley Farm on Islesford.
2365Computer run of the descendants of Phillip Stanwood
  • Document, List, Register, Family Register
Job Stanwood, 1726-1776 . Is thought to have settled for a few years on Islesford before moving to Duck Brook, now Bar Harbor. His grand daughter Mary Stanwood 1816-1888 moved back to Islesford as the wife of Edwin Hadlock. For a record of the Hadlocks of Islesford, see Islesford Historical Society Occasinal Paper # 6 3/1994.
2367“Maine Lobsterboats: Builders and lobstermen speak of their craft” by Virginia L. Thorndike, resident of Islesboro
  • Publication, Book
Has many references to MDI as well as Islesford and the Downeast area.
2368Book "All About Maine" by John E. Cayford. Published in 1981
  • Publication, Book
2327Publication "Sterling, Barnard & Related Familes, Volume I + II, by William C. Sterling, JR.
  • Publication, Other Publication
Appendix C in Vol. II contains a comprehensive coverage of the last days of Samuel Hadlock who was hanged at Pownalborough on October 28th, 1790 for beating Eliab Gott to death with a fence post
2328Cigar-box frame with photo showing the Islesford Congregational Church built in 1898, the home built for Edward and Lucinda Fernald in 1865 and, on the right, the house built by Lamont and Agnes (Hadlock) Spurling in 1886-87.
  • Image, Photograph
These frames were made of sticks and whittled from cigar boxes by surfmen at the Islesford Life Saving Station during their spare time. The photo shows the Main Road in circa. 1920's before it was paved. The photo and frame hung in the Spurling house and was given to the Islesford Historical Society by Cara Spurling in 2005.
2330Exploring Limits - Making Decisions About the Use and Development of Maine's Islands. April 1994
  • Document, Report
Report prepared by the Island Institute in cooperation with the Maine State Planning Office
2331Magazine "Maine Life Magazine" June 1978
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
Contains articles relating to Baxter Park, Winslow Homer, History of Jordan Pond, and others
2332two ledger books containing Francis G. Fernald'slobstering income and expenses records from 1947-1966 and from 1967-1975
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
In January 1947 he was catching 85-160 lbs or so each day he got out . Selling for 40 to 50 centsa pound. In 1975 he was catching only 40 to 60 lbs a day . selling them for $1.40 to $1.60 a lb.
2333Sea Stories by Cpt.Francis Fernald
  • Document, Other Documents
A paper of stories told by Francis Fernald that was prepared by two young students at Southwest Harbor. The Students grandmother, Bernice Gaiser, was caring for Francis and Betty Fernald at a house in Southwest Harbor during the winter of 1994
2334Publication "Chebacco: The Magazine of the Mount Desert Historical Society Volume VII 2005"
  • Publication, Other Publication
Contains Hadlock's Eskimos in New York by Hugh Dwelley pages 52-66 and the last words and dying speech of Samuel L. Hadlock pages 107-111
2335A framed NOTICE of Station Bills & Drills required on steamers carrying passengers
  • Document, Other Documents
When not on display, in painting storage
2336US Navy Journal containing watch & navigational notes kept by Andrew E.Stanley as a deck officer on the Uss Chestnut Hill on a cruise from New London Conn. to Bermuda and the Azores and return to Key West Florida from Sept26 to Nov 22 1918
  • Publication, Book, Journal
USS Chestnut Hill appears to have been an oiler caring a cargo of gasoline and diesel oil which it pumped from time to time into the fuel tanks of USNavy vessels It sailed-often a zig zag course, in "convoy consisting of SC's... also tug Uss Conestoga."
2337Publication "Cranberry Isles, Glimpses of Island Life" by Gerry Noether. 28 Pages published in 1976
  • Publication, Other Publication
Author is a summer resident of GCI, mother of Audrey Noether
2338Maine History publication. Volume 40 Winter 2001/2 (A) Volume 41, 2002. Spring (B), Volume 42 October 2005 (C)
  • Publication, Other Publication
2339Books 0318A "Laws and Regulations Relating to the Lighthouse Establishment 1880" 0318B "Instructions to Lightkeepers 1902" 0318 C "Instructions to Employees of the United States Lighthouse Service 1915"
  • Publication, Book